
Supporting you as you pursue life-long health through stress management and gut health habits.

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Do you ever wonder about your health potential?


It’s never been easier to take small steps to be the healthiest you. At Wonder and Awe Wellness, LLC we take a holistic approach to health. We have the tools you need and we’re here to guide and support you on your journey.

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We offer resources for every stage of your health journey

1-on-1 Health and Wellness Coaching with Annie

Looking for an individualized plan to help you reach your health goals? Sign up for a one-on-one health and wellness coaching call with Annie. As a holistic health coaching company, we know the best medicine is found in our lifestyle habits. This is why we discuss in depth current nutrition, movement patterns, sleep habits, stress management skills, connection to other and overall happiness. All of these lifestyle factors determine your overall health and wellbeing. 

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Vitality Simplified

This 12 week course teaches men over 50 how to take control of their health using simple, sustainable lifestyle interventions. We teach you  how to lower your cholesterol and blood pressure and manage blood sugar levels without being tied to medication or extreme diets for life.

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Longevity Lounge - Monthly Membership

Let us help you find balance in your life and create healthy habits that will serve you for life. Every month you get access to incredible resources that are impossible to pass up!

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Banish Burnout

This 7 day program provides practical tools for sustainable stress reduction. It is designed for individuals seeking effective and holistic approaches to reduce stress, enhance resilience, and improve overall well-being.

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The "Dad Bod Buster" Program

A two month, self-paced program that takes you through a 4 step plan to help you determine sources of inflammation, lose weight, increase energy, and build the health foundations that will serve you for life. 

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We’re not a finished product (and let’s be honest…who is?!) but we’ve learned a lot through years of struggle and breakthrough. This is why we want to share our secret sauce. Want to know what it is? Health is not "one-size-fits-all." What works for your best friend, sibling, or coworker may not work for you (and we know how frustrating that can be). Worry less, wonder more; we're here to discover what works for you and empower you to live each moment well.


Meet Annie & Katie

What Our Clients Say:

“As I am approaching my 40's, I noticed my body changing (not in a good way). I would increase cardio to burn more calories and cut out foods, but not see the results I hoped for. After a few months of frustration, I reached out to Wonder and Awe. The first time I met with Annie, she was very helpful in explaining the whys and hows. Annie helped me to understand that I didn't need to cut out foods and drinks I enjoyed, but rather to be more aware of what I was eating and make slight modifications. She had me track my food/drink intake and my workouts. Using this information, we worked on setting goals, looked at things that I wasn't eating enough of, and shifted my focus from cardio to strength. Once I started working on these things, I began to see changes within the first month. I noticed physical changes (lost in my waistline, felt stronger), I was sleeping better and had more energy (enough to work long hours and still have energy to play with my little ones). I am very grateful to Annie for the time she took to explain things, review my information and make recommendations, but most of all for the encouragement and support she provided! Thanks to her, I feel more confident and am ready to take on my 40’s!“
Bridget W.
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